Saturday, April 17, 2010


This is by far my favorite game on the ipod. Minigore is a game where you try to survive as long as you can against small to big furry monsters. You pretty much just kill as much of the furry monsters as you can to unlock new characters. This game is also enabled with OpenFeint which is awesome if you like openfeint. One down side to Minigore is Unlocking new characters. The last character to unlock is Sensei Evan which requires 1,000,000 kills. I mean seriously? But whatever this game is still great. I highly recommend this game to everyone! Overall I would give this app a 5 stars out of 5!

Iphone/Itouch Jet Car Stunts

Best. App. Ever.
This is by far the greatest game I have have every played. The game consists of 2 game modes, platforming and time trial. In platforming you try to get from point a to point b with 10 or less deaths. For me this is the reason to buy the game. Time trail involves making several laps in a certain amount of time. I personally have gold on every map normal, casual, time trial, and platforming. This the first game studio True Axis and it makes me excited to see what else they will create . I really hope they won't stop updating this game though. This game supports Open Feint which, in my opinion, is the best game community thing. I cannot recommend this game enough and I will except any challenges on times so my ID thing is insane.bob add me.


Itouch/Iphone-Pocket God

These little characters are so fun. It feels like you are actually a God. There are so many ways to kill and annoy your little worshipers. You can stab them, make them catch on fire, let there bladder's explode, turn them in to zombies etc. The new make a story part of the app really sucks. There is no pount in making a story about little people. Other than that it is really fun.

I would rate this app 3.99 out of 5

Itouch/Iphone-Doodle Jump

Amazing. I am sure you have all heard of this app. It does not sound like much but it is super fun. The updates just keeps getting better and better. I would recommend this app and it is totally worth $1.00. It was the very first app I got and I am still entertained by it.

I would rate this app 4 out of 5 stars

If you type in Ooga then you turn into the little character in pocket God. Its fun.

Itouch/Iphone-My Town

My town is a fairly OK game that lets you connect to whats around you in the palm of your hand. I love this game because its like owning your own little businesses. You can save up your money and purchase more businesses just like in the real world. It is boring if you don't know what you are doing, but if you have some what of an idea it's a great game. Something I would change about it is that they should have added in some challenges to keep you more entertained. It can be a pretty slow going game at times but other than thous miner details, it's a great game.

I would rate this app 3 out of 5 stars.

Itouch/Iphone-Plants V.S. Zombies

This game is amazing. It was given 5 stars on Itunes and it lives up to it.

If you have never herd of this game, it is an absolute play. The name dose not give the game justice because it sounds really kiddish. I think people at any age can play it. It is a fun filled action game where you shoot and blow up zombies. The only thing I would change about this game is that they should have put more levels in it. other than that I would highly recommend Plants VS Zombies.

I would rate this app 5 out of 5 stars.